Phacelia is very good at creating soil structure due to its extensive, brous root system that can reach up to 30 inches. Most of its intense soil conditioning effect occurs in the top 2” of soil. Its purple blue owers attract many benecial insects. Its dense foliage does a very good job helping with weed suppression. Even though it produces large amounts of biomass, the residue will not likely remain in the spring because it degrades quickly.
Type: Broadleaf
Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: Not recommended
Drilled: 7 lb/A, 1/16" to 1/2" deep
Broadcast: 9 lb/A
Aerial: 11 lb/A
Dates: 5-7 weeks before average first frost
Avg seeds/lb: 235,000
Emergence: 3-11 days, largely dependent on temperature, darkness germinates better than light
Height: 6"-47"
Inoculate: No
Drought and Heat: