The Homestead mix is a combination of sorghum-sudangrass, Tillage Sunn (sunn hemp) and Tillage Radish. This mixture of grass, legume and broadleaf is a nice summer blend to be utilized after wheat or corn silage. This summer mixture excels in most of the cover crop objectives. The main objectives we are focused on is nitrogen production, scavenging and soil health including erosion isssues. This entire mixture will be terminated by the spring, especially in the northern regions, which makes for easy management.
Season: Warm Season or Cool Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: 12 lb/A
Drilled: 15 lb/A, 1" deep
Broadcast: Not recommended
Aerial: Not recommended
Dates: Plant in late spring after last frost, Up to 8 weeks prior to the average first frost
Sorghum-Sudangrass - 10 days
Tillage Sunn - 3 days
Radish - 3 to 5 days
Inoculate: Yes, cowpea or peanut inoculant
Inter-seeding: Yes, ask a specialist for details
Termination: Tillage Sunn and sorghum-sudangrass kill with the first frost. Tillage Radish is winterkilled with a few nights in the mid-teens. A quart of glyphosate and one pint of a 2,4-D product will control any Tillage Radish that may not have been winterkilled.