The Charlotte blend consists of Tillage Radish, Triticale and Crimson Clover. Tillage Radish breaks up soil compaction with its aggressive taproot. This unique nitrogen storage tank holds N and other nutrients over winter and releases them as needed by following cash crops. Triticale soaks up additional N in the fall as well as in the spring, keeping the N from leaching until a cash crop can utilize it. Crimson Clover adds up to 50 lbs of additional N in the spring.
Season: Warm Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: 30 lb/A
Drilled: 40 lb/A, 1" deep
Broadcast: 50 lb/A
Aerial: 50 lb/A
Dates: 3 to 10 weeks prior to average first frost
Tillage Radish - 3-5 days
Triticale - 6-8 days
Crimson Clover - 3-7 days
Inoculate: Pre-inoculated
Inter-seeding: Ask a specialist for details
Termination: Termination is recommended when Triticale reaches 18" in height. Use one quart of glyphosate and one pint of a 2,4-D product which will control Triticale, Crimson Clover and any Tillage Radish that may not have been winter killed.