The Catskill PeakBlend is a combination of annual ryegrass and crimson clover. This mixture of grass and legume accomplishes most of the objectives at the highest levels. Although this mixture will not winterkill, it is easily managed in the spring as long as the proper termination procedures are followed. This mixture has a higher focus of crimson clover than the TillageMax Indy blend. In addition, there is no radish included in this mix. As such, this is a good mixture for fields that have had residual herbicides such as Pursuit on their fields in prior years.
Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: Not recommended
Drilled: 12 lb/A, 1/4" to 1/2" deep
Broadcast: 16 lb/A
Aerial: 18 lb/A
Dates: 3 to 10 weeks before average first frost
Crimson Clover - 7 to 10 days
Annual Ryegrass - 14 days
Inoculate: Pre-inoculated
Inter-seeding: Yes, ask a specialist for details
Termination: Annual ryegrass and crimson clover require a burndown of 2 quarts of glyphosate with 1 pint of 2,4-D. Best control is achieved spraying on a warm day (sunny, above 60ºF) between 9 AM and 2 PM with water adjusted to 5 - 5.5 pH. Suggested burndown is when annual ryegrass is approx. 8-12" in height, before the first node has developed or prior to jointing stage.