The Blue Ridge PeakBlend is a combination of oats and radish. This mixture of grass and broadleaf fits into most rotations as it is easily managed in the spring. The main focus of this mixture is nutrient scavenging, soil compaction and fall erosion prevention. Tillage Radish and oats will most likely winterkill depending on which region it is used in.
Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: 20 lb/A
Drilled: 25 lb/A, 1/4" to 1" deep
Broadcast: 30 lb/A
Aerial: 36 lb/A
Dates: Typically, 3 to 10 weeks prior to average first killing frost
Radish - 3 to 5 days
Oats - 5 to 8 days
Inoculate: NR*
Inter-seeding: Yes, ask a specialist for details
Termination: Tillage Radish and oats winterkill with 3 nights in the mid-teens. If they do not winterkill, apply a combination of one pint of 2,4-D type herbicide along with one quart of glyphosate at flowering or heading.