Triticale characteristics closely resemble wheat and cereal rye as it was bred from both of these plants. It has a rapid growth which is good for short growing windows. The spring rapid growth can suppress weeds and provide additional erosion prevention. Triticale is good to use with other cover crops, such as Austrian Winter Peas. The growth of the triticale allows the Austrian Winter Pea to climb and provides protection to the pea during harsh winter months.
Type: Grass
Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth:
Precision: 30 lb/A
Drilled: 50 lb/A, 3/4" to 1 1/2" deep
Broadcast: 60 lb/A
Aerial: 94 lb/A
Dates: August 1 to December
Average seeds/lb: 22,700
Inoculate: NR*
Emergence: 6-8 Days
Height: 1.5'-3'
Inter-Seeding: Yes, ask a specialist for details
Drought and Heat: Good drought tolerance, Low heat tolerance
Flooding: Tolerates brief flooding