Sunn Hemp is an upright, warm season legume. It is a cover crop adapted to tropical or subtropical areas. In 60 days from planting it can typically grow over 6 feet tall. It can add 80-100 pounds of nitrogen. It produces approximately 4 tons of organic matter. In addition, it can suppress multiple types of nematodes. Some of the nematodes it has shown to suppress include reniform, borrowing and root-knot nematodes. It also suppresses pesky weeds such as pigweed. Due to the large roots and strong taproot, it is a great soil builder. The leaves of sunn hemp are 30% protein. As such, using sunn hemp as a mulch or green manure would be beneficial at the early to mid-flowering stages.
Type: Legume
Season: Warm Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: 9 lb/A (15" rows) or 5 lb/A (30" rows)
Drilled: 12 lb/A 1/2" to 1" deep
Broadcast: Not recommended
Aerial: Not recommended
Dates: Anytime after last threat of first frost. For maximum benefit, plant a minimum of 8 weeks before avg first frost in the fall
Avg seeds/lb: 15,000
Emergence: 3 days
Height: 4' in 60 days and 6' in 90 days
Inoculate: Yes, cowpea or peanut inoculant
Inter-seeding: Not recommended
Drought and Heat: High heat and drought tolerance
Flooding: Does not tolerate flooding