The Wasatch PeakBlend is a combination of winter peas and radish. This mixture of legume and broadleaf is focused on nitrogen production, soil compaction and nutrient scavenging. However, if the peas overwinter, then lasting residue is an additional benefit as winter peas will flourish until termination. The ability of winter peas overwintering depends on when they are seeded in the fall. They need to be 6-8 inches to reduce the risk of heaving. Too much growth in the fall can also cause the plants to winterkill. Snow cover and other crops aid in the overwintering process.
Warm Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: Not recommended
Drilled: 23 lb/A, 3/4" to 1" deep
Broadcast: 28 lb/A
Aerial: 33 lb/A
Dates: 3 to 10 weeks before average first frost
Winter Peas - 9 days
Radish - 3 to 5 days
Inoculate: Yes, pea/vetch inoculant
Inter-seeding: Not recommended
Termination: Radishes winterkill with 3 nights in the mid-teens. Winter peas and any remaining radishes can be controlled by a spring burndown of one pint of 2,4-D type herbicide along with one quart of glyphosate.