The Ozark PeakBlend is a combination of cereal rye and winter peas. This mixture of grass and legume allows you to seed later in the fall than blends that have broadleaf crops, such as radish. This mixture excels at all of the cover crop objectives. The ability of winter peas overwintering depends on when they are seeded in the fall. They need to be 6-8 inches to reduce the risk of heaving. Too much growth in the fall can also cause the plants to winterkill. Snow cover and other crops aid in the overwintering process.
Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: Not recommended
Drilled: 40 lb/A, 1" to 1.5" deep
Broadcast: 52 lb/A
Aerial: 62 lb/A
Dates: Typically, 3 to 10 weeks prior to average first killing frost
Winter Peas - 9 days
Cereal Rye - 5 to 8 days
Inoculate: Yes, pea/vetch inoculant
Inter-seeding: Not recommended
Termination: Cereal rye is less competitive than annual ryegrass and more readily controlled by burndown herbicides. Glyphosate (4.5 lb ae/gal formulation) at a rate of 22 fl oz/A will effectively control up to 18 inches tall, although applications should be made to smaller plants when possible and prior to the boot stage. Adding one pint of 2,4-D type herbicide along with glyphosate will also control winter peas.