The Daytona mix is a combination of crimson clover and Tillage Radish. This mixture of legume and broadleaf focuses mainly on nitrogen production, soil compaction, soil building and scavenging. Tillage Radish will most likely winterkill, however, crimson clover will need to be terminated in the spring.
Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: 8 lb/A
Drilled: 10 lb/A, 1/4" to 1" deep
Broadcast: 13 lb/A
Aerial: 16 lb/A
Dates: 3 to 10 weeks before average first frost
Crimson Clover - 7 to 10 days
Tillage Radish - 3 to 5 days
Inoculate: Pre-inoculated
Inter-seeding: Yes, ask a specialist for details
Termination: Tillage Radish winterkills with 3 nights in the mid-teens. Crimson clover and any Tillage Radish that may have overwintered can be controlled by a spring burndown of one pint of 2,4-D type herbicide along with one quart of glyphosate.