Spring oats are an upright, cool-season annual grass. This is a great starter cover crop due to its ease of spring management. When seeded in the fall, spring oats will winter kill in the northern regions. This will allow for easy management and planting in the spring. In addition, spring oats can germinate quickly. As such, they can outcompete weeds. Finally, spring oats are a great scavenger of nitrogen remaining from summer legumes or fertilization.
Type: Grass
Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth:
Precision: Not Recommended
Drilled: 64 lb/A, 3/4" to 1 1/2" deep
Broadcast: 78 lb/A
Aerial: 94 lb/A
Dates: Late February to the end of March (Spring), 6 to 8 weeks before average first frost (Fall)
Average seeds/lb: 19,600
Inoculate: NR*
Emergence: 5-8 Days
Height: 2'-5'
Inter-seeding: Yes, ask a specialist for details
Drought and Heat: Low drought and heat tolerance
Flooding: Tolerates brief flooding or ponding