Jumbo ARG is a new tetraploid annual ryegrass bred by the famous University of Florida ryegrass breeder, Dr. Gordon Prine. Jumbo is a new generation tetraploid that combines superior rust resistance with great cold tolerance. It is a late maturing variety maximizing the growing season. Jumbo impresses with its vigorous growth and high yields throughout the South. The variety is suited for mechanical harvesting (silage) as well as grazing.
Type: Grass
Season: Cool Season
Seeding & Growth
Precision: 10 lbs/A
Drilled: 12 lbs/A 1/2" to 3/4" deep
Broadcast: 15 lbs/A
Aerial: 18 lbs/A
Dates: 3-10 weeks before average first frost
Average seeds/lb: 190,300
Inoculate: NR*
Inter-Seeding: Yes, light seed, ask a specialist for details
Emergence: 14 Days
Height: 1.5' - 3'
Drought and Heat: Low heat and drought tolerance
Flooding: Tolerates long flooding and ponding